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Configuration Reference

All configurations are optional.

Type: ImgProcUserOptions

Integration Settings


Image cache directory pattern.

  • Type: string
  • Default: [cacheDir]astro-image-processor/
  • The following placeholders can be used:
    • [root]: Replaced with Astro’s root
    • [cacheDir]: Replaced with Astro’s cacheDir


Directory for downloading remote files pattern.

  • Type: string
  • Default: [imageCacheDir]downloads/
  • The following placeholders can be used:
    • [root]: Replaced with Astro’s root
    • [cacheDir]: Replaced with Astro’s cacheDir
    • [imageCacheDir]: Replaced with the value of imageCacheDir


Image assets directory pattern.

  • Type: string
  • Default: /[assetsDirName]/
  • The following placeholders can be used:
    • [assetsDirName]: Replaced with Astro’s asset directory (default is _astro)
  • By default, images will be placed at /_astro/[hash].[ext].


Image output directory pattern.

  • Type: string
  • Default: [outDir]
  • The following placeholders can be used:
    • [root]: Replaced with Astro’s root
    • [outDir]: Replaced with Astro’s outDir
  • If disableCopy is set to true, the value of this item is used as a prefix for the path:
    • Placeholder is disabled.
    • For example, if disableCopy is true and this item is set to, the HTML output will be like src="[hash].webp".
    • Additionally, you can minimize resource usage by synchronizing imageCacheDir with the CDN using rsync --update --delete, etc.


Preserve directory structure for image files.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false
  • Place images by root-relative paths with srcDir as the document root.
  • Image filenames are resolved according to fileNamePattern.
  • Example:
    • Place the source file in /src/assets/images/foo/bar.png and set the src property in the component to the same value.
    • Image output to /dist/assets/images/foo/[resolved fileNamePattern].
    • The src and srcset of the <img> element will contain /assets/images/foo/[resolved fileNamePattern].


File name pattern when the preserve directory structure option is enabled.

  • Type: string
  • Default: [name]_[width]x[height]@[descriptor].[ext]?[hash8]
  • Supports the following placeholders:
    • [name]: Original file name (without extension)
    • [hash]: File hash (full)
    • [hash8]: File hash (first 8 characters)
    • [width]: Resolved width
    • [height]: Resolved height
    • [descriptor]: 1x, 2x, 1000w, 2000w
    • [ext]: Extension
  • The file name must include all of [name], [width], [height], and [descriptor], or include [hash8] or [hash].
    • If this condition is not met, different images may be given the same name.
  • A cache buster can be specified using the hash and query parameter.


Disable copying from the cache to the output directory.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false
  • Refer to the description of imageOutDirPattern.


Use the string from the component’s src property to generate a hash for identifying local image files.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false
  • Faster since it doesn’t require reading the image file during hash generation.
    • However, duplicate files cannot be detected.
  • Note that files will be recognized as different if the file name or directory changes.


Specify the strategy used for scoping styles.


Class names used in global CSS.

  • Type: typeof defaultGlobalClassNames
  • Default: defaultGlobalClassNames
    • Corresponds to the <GlobalStyles /> component.
  • Reference: <GlobalStyles />
  • If changed, need to create and place the corresponding global CSS.


Maximum concurrent image processing limit

  • Type: number
  • Default: Math.max(os.cpus().length, 1)


Download timeout duration in milliseconds.

  • Type: number
  • Default: 50000 (5 seconds)
  • Timeout duration for downloading remote files.


Cache retention period in milliseconds.

  • Type: number | null
  • Default: 8640000 (100 days)
  • If not used within the set period, the cache will be subject to deletion.
  • If set to null, deletion by this policy is disabled.
  • If both retentionPeriod and retentionCount are enabled, they are processed under AND conditions.


Threshold to determine if the cache should be deleted if not used consecutively in the recent builds.

  • Type: number | null
  • Default: 10
  • Caches that have not been used consecutively in the last n builds will be subject to deletion:
    • Each cache keeps its own count, which is decremented by -1 uniformly during build.
    • The count of used caches is reset to the value of this item.
    • Caches with a count less than 0 at the end of the build are deleted.
  • If set to null, deletion by this policy is disabled.
  • If both retentionPeriod and retentionCount are enabled, they are processed under AND conditions.


Hash generator for Buffer and strings (function).

  • Type: ImgProcHasher
  • Default: astro-image-processor/extras/cryptoHasher
  • Reference: Hasher


Data adapter for cache database (class).

  • Type: ImgProcDataAdapter
  • Default: astro-image-processor/extras/JsonFileDataAdapter
  • Reference: Data Adapter

Default Component Properties

Set the default values for the component properties.

See each component reference for details.

  • componentProps.placeholder
  • componentProps.placeholderColor
  • componentProps.blurProcessor
  • componentProps.upscale
  • componentProps.layout
  • componentProps.objectFit
  • componentProps.objectPosition
  • componentProps.enforceAspectRatio
  • componentProps.backgroundSize
  • componentProps.backgroundPosition
  • componentProps.preload
  • componentProps.format
  • componentProps.formats
  • componentProps.tagName
  • componentProps.crossOrigin
  • componentProps.minAge
  • componentProps.maxAge

Default Format Options

Set the default options for the corresponding output formats. If not set, the default settings of sharp will be used.


Output options for JPEG format.


Output options for PNG format.


Output options for WebP format.


Output options for AVIF format.


Output options for GIF format.