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Hash generator for generating hashes from buffers or strings.

Note that changing the hash algorithm will change the hash value, requiring cache rebuilds. Naturally, this also affects HTML.

Built-in Hasher

This integration includes two built-in hashers.

cryptoHasher (default)

Uses the Crypto module. Hash algorithm is MD5.

import { cryptoHasher } from "astro-image-processor/extras/cryptoHasher.js";
export default defineConfig({
integrations: [
hasher: cryptoHasher,


Uses XXHash3 hash algorithm. Over 10 times faster than MD5 generation by Crypto. Could be faster than Crypto for huge projects.

Requires xxhash-addon and the toolchain used to build the binary.

import { xxHash3Hasher } from "astro-image-processor/extras/xxHash3Hasher.js";
export default defineConfig({
integrations: [
hasher: xxHash3Hasher,

Custom Hasher

Custom hasher for any algorithm can be created.

import type { ImgProcHasher } from "astro-image-processor/types";
export const customHasher: ImgProcHasher = (
buffer: Buffer | string
): string => {
// ...
return hash;