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<Picture />

A standard component that generates a <picture> element.

  • Automatically switches between foreground mode, where elements are placed independently, and background mode, where elements are contained within a container element, based on the presence of a slot.
  • Supports full-spec art direction using <source> elements with type and srcset attributes.
  • Placeholder is set with background-image or background-color on the ::after pseudo-element of the <picture> element.
    • Supports animations using CSS animations.
    • Falls back to the background-image or background-color of the <img> element if JavaScript is disabled.
  • Functions correctly even if JavaScript is disabled.

Foreground mode

import Picture from 'astro-image-processor/components';
<Picture src="/src/assets/images/image.png" alt="Alt text" />

Background mode

import Picture from 'astro-image-processor/components';
<Picture src="/src/assets/images/image.png" alt="Alt text">



Sets the image to use.

  • Type: string
  • Required
  • Remote file
    • Considered a remote file if it starts with http.
  • Data URL
    • Considered a Data URL if it starts with data:.
  • Local file
    • If it starts with /@fs, replace /@fs/ with file:// and process the new URL(src).pathname.
    • If it starts with /${assetsDirName}/, treat it as a root-relative path from outDir.
    • Otherwise, treat it as a root-relative path from rootDir.
  • Recommended to specify as a root-relative path from the project root (rootDir) (e.g., /src/assets/images/image.png).
    • You can also specify it in the form of an imported image with src={importedImage.src}, but this is not recommended due to double caching with this integration and astro:assets.


The value of the alt attribute of the <img> element.

  • Type: string
  • Required


The value of the width attribute of the <img> element.

  • Type: number
  • When using densities, the value is interpreted as corresponding to 1x.
  • Note that not setting this can lead to “behavior that is technically correct but contrary to user expectations”.


The value of the height attribute of the <img> element.

  • Type: number


Sets the x descriptors used in the srcset attribute of the <img> element.

  • Type: number[]
  • Example: [1, 2, 3]
  • If width is not set, the original size of the image is interpreted as the maximum scale.


Sets the w descriptors used in the srcset attribute of the <img> element.

  • Type: number[]
  • Example: [1000, 2000, 3000]


Sets the sizes attribute of the <img> element.

  • Type: string | (resolvedWidths: number[], resolvedDensities: number[]) => string
  • Default: Sets according to the layout as follows:
    • fixed : ${resolvedWidth}px
    • fill or fullWidth : 100vw
    • constrained or undefined : (min-width: ${resolvedWidth}px) ${resolvedWidth}px, 100vw
  • Reference: sizes (MDN)
  • resolvedWidths will be the final resolved variations of image widths.
    • Even if densities is used, it will be the width value.
  • resolvedWidth is the value of the width attribute of the <img> element.


Selects the type of the placeholder.

  • Type: "blurred" | "dominantColor" | null
  • Default: blurred
  • blurred
    • Uses the image processed by the sharp instance specified in blurProcessor.
    • The image is converted to Base64 and directly written in CSS as a Data URL.
    • By default, “resized to 20px width and compressed with the lowest quality WebP” is used.
  • dominantColor
    • Uses a single color.
    • By default, uses the color obtained from sharp’s stats().dominant.
    • If the placeholderColor property is set, uses the color specified by the placeholderColor property.


Sets the color to use when placeholder is dominantColor.

  • Type: string
  • Example: "#333", "hsl(150, 30%, 60%)", "var(--some-color)"
  • If this is not set, sharp().stats().dominant is used.
  • Reference: color (MDN)


Sharp instance used to generate the blurred placeholder image.

  • Type: Sharp
  • Default: sharp().resize(20).webp({ quality: 1 })


Selects how to handle image upscaling required by densities or widths.

  • Type: "never" | "always" | "original"
  • Default: never
  • never: Ignore upscaling requests.
  • always: Upscale if required.
  • original: Ignore upscaling requests and add the original size of the image.


Selects the layout of the image.

  • Type: "constrained" | "fixed" | "fullWidth" | "fill" | null
  • Default: constrained
  • If set to constrained or fixed, the CSS property width of the <img> element is set to the resolved value as scoped style.
  • The global class globalClassNames.layout[layout] is added to the <picture> and <img> elements.
  • The <GlobalStyles> component sets the styles as follows:
    • constrained: max-width: 100%; height: auto;
    • fixed: N/A
    • fullWidth: width: 100%; height: auto;
    • fill: width: 100%; height: 100%;
  • Styles can also be defined manually instead of <GlobalStyles> using the global classes.
  • Use with enforceAspectRatio if you want to fix the aspect ratio.


Selects the CSS property object-fit for the <img> element.

  • Type: "fill" | "contain" | "cover" | "none" | "scale-down"
  • Apply through scoped CSS.
  • If placeholder is set to blurred, applies to the placeholder using background-size.
    • scale-down falls back to contain.


Selects the CSS property object-position for the <img> element.

  • Type: string
  • Apply through scoped CSS.
  • If placeholder is set to blurred, applies to the placeholder using background-position.


Selects the CSS property background-size for the placeholder.

  • Type: "cover" | "contain" | "auto" | string | null
  • Reference: background-size (MDN)
  • Used if placeholder is blurred.
  • If backgroundSize is not set and objectFit is set, the value of objectFit に準じた値が使用される
  • Apply through scoped CSS.


Sets the CSS property background-position for the placeholder.

  • Type: string | null
  • Reference: background-position (MDN)
  • Used if placeholder is blurred.
  • If backgroundPosition is not set and objectPosition is set, the value according to objectFit is used.
  • Both backgroundPosition and objectPosition are not set, 50% 50% is used.
    • It is the default value of object-position.
  • Apply through scoped CSS.


Applies the CSS property aspect-ratio to the <picture> and <img> elements.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false
  • Sets the CSS property aspect-ratio to ${width} / ${height} based on the final resolved width and height values of the <img> element.
  • Apply through scoped CSS.


Enforce background mode.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false
  • If a slot exists in the component, it will always be in background mode.


Generates a <link rel="preload"> for the specified image format and adds it to the <head> element.

  • Type: "jpeg" | "png" | "avif" | "webp" | "gif"
  • Due to CSS specifications, multiple formats cannot be specified.


Sharp instance used for image editing.

  • Type: Sharp | Sharp[]


Assigns an individual identifier name as a string for the image editing content.

  • Type: string


Selects the output formats.

  • Type: ("jpeg" | "png" | "avif" | "webp" | "gif")[]
  • Default: ["avif", "webp"]
  • The last element is used as the fallback format for the <img> element.


Settings for the output formats.

  • Type: { jpeg: JpegOptions, png: PngOptions, webp: WebpOptions, avif: AvifOptions, gif: GifOptions } (sharp)
  • Default: sharp standard settings


HTML tag of the container element in background mode.

  • Type: HTMLTag (Astro)
  • Default: div
  • Automatic type completion is not provided by this value.


Settings for variations for each media query.

  • Type: ImgProcArtDirectiveProps[]
  • Reference: Art Directive
  • Outputs a <source> element with the media attribute specified for each array element.
    • CSS is output with media queries.


  • Type: HTMLAttributes<"picture"> (Astro)
  • Passed directly to the <picture> element.


  • Type: HTMLAttributes<"div"> | HTMLAttributes<"a"> | Record<string, unknown>
  • Only effective in background mode.
  • Passed directly to the container element.


Minimum cache duration for remote files (milliseconds).

  • Type: number
  • Overrides the specification in HTTP headers.


Maximum cache duration for remote files (milliseconds).

  • Type: number
  • Overrides the specification in HTTP headers.


Equivalent to crossorigin of the <img> element.

  • Type: "anonymous" | "use-credentials" | "" | undefined | null
  • Reference: crossorigin (MDN)
  • If the component has a crossorigin property, it takes precedence.


  • All properties unrelated to this integration will be passed to the <img> element.
    • Accepted as HTMLAttributes<"img">, including those specific to Astro.
  • Data attributes data-astro-cid-[hash] or class .astro-[hash] generated by Astro’s scoped styles will be inherited by the <picture> and <img> elements.
    • In background mode, they will also be inherited by the container element.